Currently we are facing some major changes in this country in both Texas and Florida, and Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee due to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Many families have lost homes, loved ones, everything. Many more are still without power and water. These changes are beyond human control. They often are beyond human understanding. Nature is unpredictable, although we humans do try to understand and predict events.
These are not the only changes we face in life. Our life is predictably a series of changes shaping, molding, directing, and advancing us. We are born, we grow, learn, change, learn, change, experiment, change, experience, change, grow, change. This is life. This is change. We marry, we divorce, we have children, we lose children, parents, siblings, other loved ones. And we move, we lose jobs, get new jobs, find new loves, lose loves. And, occasionally, we face catastrophic events such as hurricanes, cancers, debilitating diseases. These are neither good nor bad in the overall scope of things. It is our perception that assigns a label to events.
Things do seem really bad, events are sometimes so devastating that we withdraw into ourselves. Depression overwhelms us. We might lose hope, faith, our direction. I know that each of us, every single one of us, is so much more than that. We have strengths we are as yet unaware of. We have powers that rival a super hero, but haven’t discovered yet.
I’d like to take the next four articles to discuss some ways of increasing awareness of the perceptions of good and bad. And maybe discuss ideas for converting those feelings of helplessness, loss, depression, and overwhelm into action, support, positive awareness. Let’s find those powers, those strengths and put them to use.
I’ll offer some questions, suggestions, ideas and action steps for you to consider. The more you are engaged, the faster you will grow and change. As always, message me for more information. We’ll be exploring together how to navigate through the tougher terrain and some more difficult moments. Those times in our lives when it may feel like the light is not shining on us. Sometimes referred to as The Dark Night. If you’d like more, you can get a FREE consult with me by setting a time on my calendar
Until next time, to your greatest self,
Judy Stepp
Magical Life Transformation Coach
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